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Monday, October 12, 2009

Revision Questions: O level

Chapter Two: Increased Western Interest in Brunei

a. Who was appointed as the first US-Consul General in Brunei?
b. Which Sultan of Brunei accepted the First US-Consul General in Brunei?
c. What did the Sultan hope to gain from the US Consulate?
d. What was the result of the treaty signed betweeen Sultan Abdul Momin and Moses on 11 August 1865?
e. What were the terms of the treaty signed on 11 August 1865?
f. Give the reasons for the friction between Moses and Sultan Abdul Momin?
g. What did Overbeck do to protect his original lease?
h. Give teh result of the negotiation between Overbeck and Sultan of Sulu?
i. Why did Overbeck sell his rights to the lease to a British, Alfred Dent?
j. Who formed the British North Borneo (c) Company? and when?
k. What was the restriction imposed upon the British North Borneo Company by the British Government?
l. What were the advantages and disadvantages for the British North Borneo Company in obtaining the Royal Charter?
m. Why did the Spanish and the Dutch oppose over the British North Borneo Company's presence in North Borneo?
n. How did the British remove the Spanish and Dutch opposition?
o. What were the two different policies of the British in Borneo?

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Brunei History: Year 7 SPN21

Chapter One: Sultan Muhammad Jamalul Alam II

Brunei GCE O Level

The Anglo-Dutch Treaty, 1824

Brunei GCE O Level

Chapter One: Development of Singapore up to 1824TRY ME

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Fun Post: Why do we study History in school?

What is important about history? Why so people need to know all those names and dates. The reality is, they do not, and can not. There are so many important people and dates, it is impossible for any one to know all of them. Besides, it is pretty easy to look up most of the factual information most people need on any thing close to a frequent status. The importance is not in the specifics but the lessons.

The importance of history is the importance of understanding yourself. There can be no true understanding of the present with out knowledge of the past. Everything happening in the world today is a piece of a long line of events, decisions and lives that came before. By not knowing the past, it is not possible to know the present or the future.

No one knows what will happen in the future, but the past can help guide us into the future. The lessons of the past are like a map into the future. The map is blurred and maybe even missing pieces, but it is the best we have. By examining the struggles, successes and failures of our ancestors, we learn how to examine ourselves and move forward.

Not all the lessons learned will be correct or successful. That will be for future generations to study and try to learn from. The mere act of trying to learn from the past and knowing the stories of the many different people is a tribute to their lives. Saying history is boring and worthless is saying the lives of all the people that came before us were worthless. That is certainly not the case.

So remember, history is not just a bunch of names and dates. History is the story of how we became who we now are. You may disagree with some of it, or not care about some, or wish it were something else. Either way you are learning something about yourself right now, and that is the most important name and date to know.